Friday, 2 July 2010

A place that is a perfect just to.....

be still and marvel.

I'm not really a garden person much but there is, sometimes, just a need to go somewhere like this and drink it in. Sheffield Park is almost too lovely in places. There is so much colour and texture - though I don't think all of us felt like that about it.....

Can't blame him really I would have felt the same at his age!

Loads of ducks but only two ducklings, they and their Mum where so people friendly. This, I think, was the only bit that J liked.

Most of the rhododendrons for which this garden is famed are over but there still a few stunners out. This burst of colour was at the edge of a shadowy grove and almost jumped out of the dark green surround. I love greens and pinks in nature.

I have loads more wonderful shots taken by M but I'll save them for another time.

Have a joyful weekend.

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